MS Angles
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Ferrum as a supplier of certified Mild Steel angle supplies angle in two formats, Equal Angle (EA), also known as Angles, Rolled Steel Angle, or (RSA) or Mild Steel Unequal Angle (UA).
Mild steel angle has L-cross shaped section with two legs – equal or unequal. Angle is a structural material with cross section of 90-degree angle.
The dimension is determined by the length and the thickness of the two sides. If the lengths of the two sides are equal, it is equal angle, if one leg is longer than the other then it is known as unequal angle.
Steel angle is functional and used in all modern buildings, equipment, factory shops & warehouses and everyday life for its reliable structural performances.
As popular structural material, angle steel is largely used in bridge building, construction and engineering, and tends to be used as supporting or structural components for construction.
Apart from the construction industry Mild steel angles have every day usage, for the manufacture of bed frames, chairs, benches, fencing posts, frames for supporting air conditioner, coffee tables and so on.
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